“Big Brother” season 15 contestant Nick Uhas came under a bit of fire recently in an article posted on examiner.com, accusing him of going on a (videotaped for YouTube) date with fellow BB alum Gina Zimmerman just to possibly gain fame for his “YKYT” (YouKnowYouTube) tour.
Those of you who know Nick well or who got to know Nick on his short stint on Big Brother know that this just can’t be true. As a long-time fan of BB, Nick struck me as a smart, all-around nice guy who got kicked off the show way too soon because of the MVP twist. And my positive vibe take on him only got strengthened when I met and posed some serious questions to him at an event–all of which he answered candidly.
Nick’s short time in the BB house did not stop fellow BB alum GinaMarie from falling mad head over heels for the kid. Who can blame her? He’s a good looking fella. Nick and GM are together now in NY and GM is Tweeting all about it today. If Nick is not using GM, why is he spending so much time with her in the real world? You might think that Nick is actually dating GM–as many have said over Twitter. Seems like a lot of fans are rooting for the duo to hit it off romantically. Or you may think like the examiner article and Parker Delon of BB fame that Nick is just using GM. But it seems to me that no matter which camp you belong to, most people are just missing the obvious. That there just may be another woman in Nick’s life.
I reported a story on the night of the BB season finale that I think Nick is dating Kyle Keller because the duo attended a premiere party for Boardwalk Empire together. And I stick by that story because Nick and Kyle (a TV personality currently seen on VH1′s Tough Love: Co-Ed) were spotted together again at the Guggenheim Partners Present: The Justice Ball on September 24, getting pretty cozy. Yes, I know there are reports that claim Nick and Kyle are just friends. But to that I say no way. Time will tell I guess what the real scoop is. But in the meanwhile, look at the photo Kyle posted from that night (above) and the official photo of the couple here on Getty. You tell me, do these two look just like friends?
Since Nick doesn’t strike me as a two-timing guy (I mean, c’mon, he wouldn’t even kiss GM on TV), I think Nick is just trying to be nice to GM and fulfill a promise of taking her to the see a monster truck rally in New Jersey. In fact, before the BB finale aired, Brendon Villegas who is close to Nick told Jeff Schroeder during an interview that Nick will be there as a friend for GM to help her get acclimated back into the real world once she leaves the BB house.
And yes, the date will probably be filmed for Nick’s YouTube gig, but so what? The fact that the date will be part of Nick’s show doesn’t mean much if looked at in context. We all know GM needs a friend after losing her job and being criticized by most BB fans for her racist comments made in the BB house. And Nick is just the guy to hold GM’s hand through such huge ordeals. Before GM’s friends and family bash me, yes, I know GM has her fans too. And Nick may be one of them. He just ain’t going to be her boyfriend, that’s all I’m sayin.
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Oh and the date is October 4.But he is spending an entire week WITH GM in New York and Columbus Ohio with Carolyn Uhas before heading to Philly together for moster truck rally.Lies again. The instragam pic was an event Kyle invited Nick too 3 days ago.Stop lying.Even today they have made love.Tired of all the lies.
Why dont you ask Nick what happened on this day.Sept 19.Tired of the lies. First Liza now Kyle.Some girls want to get butt hurt.
Kylie is that you girl? Nick says hi.It’s GinaMarie. Having fun with my love.A week long worth of love.
Nick is with GM.I think these girls are spread rumors and that’s Nick is going public with his relationship. They are a couple.His mom confirmed on Nick’s personal facebook today.GM hotter than these girls.She was a maxim model.Nick is from a Christian home.He liked her didnt wanted to have sex on BigBrother and hurt his mother.Totally down and freaky with GM now. If only walls had ears.
Nick was with Rachel and Elissa on Emmy night, but maybe you should ask him about the guy he’s been showing up with on the red carpets, how it was okay to photograph them all together as long as it wasn’t too together.