Emmy Rossum was definitely feeling Shameless, stripping down for the January 2014 issue of Esquire magazine. The 27-year-old star of the Showtime series, “Shameless,” got down and dirty, topless and in her panties for photographer James White.
In the provocative spread, Rossum is shot in many revealing positions, showing off her bra-less body and taut tummy.
Rossum also covers the January 2014 issue of Company magazine, this time, baring her soul instead of her body. Here are some revealing excerpts from that interview.
On her sarcastic nature: “I’m kind of a ball-buster. If people don’t know me very well, they tend to think I’m sarcastic and cutting… Hilary [Swank] would give me some input on a scene on You’re Not You and I’d say, ‘OK, I guess I should listen to you because you’ve got an Oscar or two!’ People were like, ‘I can’t believe she’s talking to Hilary that way!’ But she totally got me and we became really close friends.”
On her Shameless role: “I did watch [The British version of Shameless] because I kind of wanted to know the tone. But then I started watching it on mute. I didn’t want to hear the delivery of dialogue and I was so concerned I would just try and mimic it. I wanted that part sooo badly… [At first] I got “she’s too polished, she’s too glam. She’s from New York and goes to the Met Ball. No one would believe her as Southside Chicago”.
On drugs and dating: “[My mom is] very old-fashioned about ethics and drugs and alcohol. Weirdly she is very progressive about boys. She never had a thing with me going out on dates, even at 15 or 16… I would say there was a lot of openness in the house – but no drugs, no alcohol. To this day, I’ve never done a hard drug. I’ve never done cocaine, I’ve never done heroin, I’ve never done Ecstasy, which is literally everywhere. It just was never interesting to me. The feeling of being out of control or doing anything that could potentially harm me was just not my cup of tea. I would literally rather run down the street naked and I’ve done almost that.”