Matt LeBlanc covers the latest issue of Boston Common magazine. The 46-year-old actor who became a household name after playing the lovable Joey Tribbiani on Friends opened up to the magazine about playing himself on Episodes and on being pigeonholed in roles. Here are some excerpts from the interview:
On playing himself in Episodes: “It’s a fictitious character, and you just have to approach it that way. He just happens to have the same name I do. When we were coming up with who the character was going to be, I thought it would be fun- since our salaries were all published during Friends- to make this Matt LeBlanc way, way wealthier than me…”
On people suggesting that he’s pigeonholed himself by playing so many Joeys on TV: “I can think of a lot worse problems to have than being stuck with people’s perceptions of Joey. If people think that’s who I am, then I’ve done my job. Now I’m pigeonholed as an asshole version of myself. But that’s fun.”
On hype surrounding Friends during its run which ended exactly ten years ago: “The weirdest thing was walking into a room, a restaurant, a bar, a movie theater, anywhere there’s a lot of people, and everybody sort of stopping what they’re doing and taking notice you’re in the room. And they know you, or they think they do- they know your name, they know what you do for a living, they know how much money you make, they know where you’re from, but they’re all strangers to you.”