Celeb Trainer Tracy Anderson Spreads Positivity with Tropicana


Tracy Anderson

Yesterday, celebrity fitness guru Tracy Anderson teamed up with Tropicana, the original ‘Glass of Sunshine,’ to launch the #MorningSpark campaign, designed to inspire an attitude of optimism each morning that fuels a more positive outlook all day long.

Tracy led a positivity-themed workout class on the rooftop of West Hollywood’s trendy Palihouse Hotel in Los Angeles to kick off the brand’s Morning Spark campaign designed to inspire positivity.

Tracy Anderson

Fitness expert Tracy Anderson teams up with Tropicana to host a sunrise fitness class at the Palihouse hotel in Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016 to kick off the brand’s Morning Spark campaign designed to inspire positivity.

Here are five examples of how Tracy Anderson likes to start her day in a positive way:

  1. I wake up and connect right away to my smell and put on one of Leanne Hirsch’s perfumer acurandera natural scents.  I am crazy about them all but into the Jungle Rose Mariri these days.
  2. I connect face to face and with a big snuggle with both of my kids
  3. I make my morning smoothie.  My favorite is frozen mango, my vanilla TA CLEAR protein powder and Tropicana 100% orange juice. I have been starting my mornings with it since I was a kid.
  4. I head right to my workout first thing every day.  When you make working out part of your life stance you look forward to it as a treat not a chore.
  5. I wash my face with Ecco Bella face wash and follow up with their day cream because I really care about taking care of my skin in a way that takes care of the planet and is organic for my skin.
Tracy Anderson

Fitness expert Tracy Anderson teams up with Tropicana to host a sunrise fitness class at the Palihouse hotel in Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016 to kick off the brand’s Morning Spark campaign designed to inspire positivity.


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